Our Goals

  •  We routinely conduct polling and organize focus groups to provide impartial and trusted insight into America’s center aisle. Our data is available to the general public for all to utilize. By working together, we can combat the power of partisan purists and dark money groups that suppress the will of the majority. 

  •  We harness data from swing voters to create bold and insightful programming that showcases our findings and brings together likeminded center aisle champions who believe in data-driven solutions and who are committed to bipartisan cooperation and collaboration. 

    By promoting the commonsense coalition of hardworking, everyday Americans, we strive to make government work for everyone, ensuring that voices from across the political spectrum are heard and represented in shaping our collective future. 

  •  We force tough conversations in both parties about their dangerous drifts to the extremes. We provide regular products that promote the ideological middle, inform policymakers where the center aisle stands on the issues of the day, and demonstrate the political damage from placating to the extremes. In doing so, we are building a more informed and resilient democracy where diverse viewpoints contribute to thoughtful decision-making and a united society. 

  •  We provide essential insights derived from thorough analysis of public opinion, ensuring that policymakers and leaders understand and reflect the priorities of America’s silent majority. We help align policies and decisions with the will of the American people by equipping partners and advocates with the intelligence and persuasive messaging they need to combat extremism and champion the center aisle. 

  •  We provide transformative educational opportunities for young people across the political spectrum. Through internships, unique programming, and hands-on learning experiences, we furnish the next generation with the knowledge and skills needed to make a difference. We want to empower the next generation to become active agents of change who champion inclusive politics and advocate for policies that benefit all Americans.