In today’s political landscape, the voices of the ideological extremes dominate the discourse, their rigid opinions and polarizing stances garnering all the attention. Not only do these political extremists push policies that favor narrow, often radical, agendas, they also work to silence the millions of pragmatic, bipartisan voices in the center of our national debate. This destabilizing dynamic - a government dominated by extremist rhetoric and policies - alienates large segments of the American people, leading to a breakdown of trust in our democratic institutions, hurting both our economy and our national security.

On the other hand, a government that seeks to represent the broad majority of its people is more likely to engage in constructive dialogue, leading to policies that are more practical, inclusive, and beneficial for the nation as a whole.

Governance that appeals to the center encourages pragmatic decision-making and compromise, which are essential for effective policy-making. It is this alignment that strengthens the bond between the government and the governed, reinforcing the legitimacy of our democratic institutions.

Moreover, a stable political environment attracts investment, fosters economic growth, and helps grow the middle class. It also better positions the United States to build and maintain strong alliances and partnerships around the world. These relationships are vital to our national security as they enable cooperation on issues such as intelligence sharing, counterterrorism efforts, and collective defense.

Most troubling, however, is that when government is seen as ineffective, its citizens lose faith in traditional political processes, increasing support for more radical, destabilizing alternatives. In this way, government dysfunction not only impedes stability but actively contributes to the conditions that undermine it, making it more difficult to restore trust and ensure a stable political environment in the future.

So how do we change the status quo? How do we combat the perils of political extremism? How do we stabilize our democracy, grow our economy, and continue to be the most powerful nation on earth?

Enter: Center Aisle Coalition

Founded by former U.S. Congresswoman Stephanie Murphy, we are a coalition of Democrats, Republicans, and everything in between dedicated to COMBATTING IDEOLOGICAL EXTREMISM WITH ONE REVOLUTIONARY TRUSIM:

better data leads to better policy.


Center Aisle Coalition (CAC) is a bipartisan 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization combatting political extremism and championing America's commonsense center with trusted data, insight, and analysis, thoughtful engagement and programming, and battle-tested advocacy. Our mission is to restore the democratic principle of government by the people, for the people, driving progress through evidence-based solutions and policies that enhance our economy, strengthen our national security, and protect our democratic values.

we elevate the commonsense center.

America’s commonsense center is the large underrepresented segment of the American people who prioritize practical solutions over partisan politics; who are the moderate, pragmatic voices that constitute the broad majority of Americans. They often prefer to express their opinions through conventional channels, like voting, rather than through public demonstrations or the media. While they care deeply about what goes on in Washington, their busy lives often prevent them from making their voices heard in Washington. We are their champions.


Here at Center Aisle, we counteract Washington’s dangerous power imbalance by providing data-backed insights that bridge partisan divides in order to reclaim the narrative, shaping policies to reflect the diverse interests and commonsense values of our nation. Through intensive data analysis, trusted research, and experienced insights, we promote bipartisan cooperation, commonsense solutions, and a shared commitment to democratic principles.


Our work empowers elected officials and political leaders to compete for the center rather than cater to the extremes. We pinpoint and promote the nuanced opinions and concerns from America’s commonsense center so that our leaders can craft public policy that reflects the broad majority of the American people - not just the loud, well-funded few. Novel concept, huh?

Here's how we do it:

  1. Insightful Polling: We conduct rigorous polling of center voters to capture their perspectives on key policy issues. By diving deep into their motivations and priorities, we uncover valuable insights that inform policymakers, causes, and advocates.

  2. Evidence-Based Advocacy: Armed with robust data and decades of experience, we help the public better understand center voters’ needs and aspirations. We don’t advocate on behalf of special interests; we advocate to ensure Americans in the center are heard and understood in the policymaking process. We are fighting to restore Americans’ faith in their government by ensuring government faithfully represents its people.

  3. Impactful Change: We believe in the power of data to drive change. By leveraging our polling and research, we work with policymakers, community leaders, companies, caucuses, advocates, and the public to ensure an inclusive lawmaking process that reflects the broad sentiment of Americans and benefits our society as a whole.

  4. Transparent Engagement: Transparency is at the core of our approach. We share our findings openly to educate the public and promote informed discussions about pressing issues. Through community engagement and outreach, we ensure that American voters' voices are properly heard and respected.

Together, we can slow the swinging pendulum of partisan politics in America - breaking through the gridlock and relegating political extremism to obscurity.

We need your support right now!

The time to act is now. Your support is critical and cannot wait. By investing in Center Aisle today, you are helping to defeat the divisive forces of extremism and protect the enduring legacy and continued prosperity of the United States, safeguarding America's position as the beacon of hope to all freedom-loving people worldwide.

Together, we can ensure Washington serves the interests of the many, not the few; where every voice counts and where collaboration and compromise prevail over division and discord. Come join us and become a champion of the center aisle by donating today!

Thank you for standing with us in this crucial endeavor. If you are interested in learning about our corporate or sustained giving program, please contact us to learn more.